European legislation from the end of May 2018 was designed to give everyone more understanding and control of their personal data.
Here is an explanation of how we collect data and manage it as part of the business: what we keep, what we share and what we don’t.
In brief, as part of our business we collect customer data in three ways:
Through online advertising campaigns
Through our website
Via telephone or face-to-face enquiries
We collect and keep your name, address, email address and phone number so we can contact you with regard to your enquiries. Your data is securely stored on our premises on password protected devices.
We keep a record of payment for seven years as is required under tax law, but we do not keep or store your credit or debit card details. All card payments are managed through third party processors.
We do not and never have sold, traded or given away customer details to third parties, and we never will.
This website is managed and hosted by Digital Spa.
Social Media
We have social media channels. As part of our business we sometimes use targeted advertising and ‘promoted posts’ to direct promotional content at the friends and fans of the facebook page. An individual’s privacy controls and opt-ins for this are all managed through their own individual social media accounts.
We only use essential cookies, required for the efficient running of this website.
Your Rights
Under the law you can ask to see the data we hold on you any time, for free. Please contact us with your full name, address and your email address and we will send you the data within 30 days.
Our Commitment
We are committed to respecting and protecting our users’ and subscribers’ data. If you feel your data has been compromised at all, please contact us as soon as possible.